小编为大家整理好了CFA一级考试历年真题精选5, 备考2020年CFA考试, 不光需要听课和看书,还需要做练习题。 目前正处于2020年CFA考试备考阶段。行动是治愈恐惧的良药,而犹豫拖延将不断滋养恐惧,希望大家都能够马上行动起来,用行动来证明自己。
CFA一级考试练习题。CFA一级 财务报表
Cameron and Caspar formed a new company with an investment of $100,000 on July 1 2014. The most likely effect of this transaction on the company′;s accounting equation at the time of the formation is an increase in cash and:
A. an increase in revenue.
B. an increase in liabilities.
C. an increase in contributed capital.
CFA一级 权益
A country whose financial markets are in an early stage of development. Consider preparation a list of the objectives of market regulation. Which of the following is least likely to be included in this list of objectives?
A. Minimize agency problems in the corporate.
B. Ensure that financial markets are fair and orderly.
C. Ensure that investors in the stock market achieve a rate of return that is at least equal to the risk-free rate of return.
Solution: C
CFA考试习题为大家整理好了, 大家快来检测学习成果吧, 希望能够帮助大家轻松备考,既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程。备考CFA考试的路上肯定是布满荆棘的,但是大家也不要气馁,预祝大家能够在2020年顺利取得CFA证书,步入这一行业。
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