小编为大家整理好了CFA一级考试历年真题精选3, 备考2020年CFA考试, 不光需要听课和看书,还需要做练习题。 目前正处于2020年CFA考试备考阶段。行动是治愈恐惧的良药,而犹豫拖延将不断滋养恐惧,希望大家都能够马上行动起来,用行动来证明自己。
CFA一级考试练习题。CFA一级 数量分析
For a credit card, it charges 15% compounded monthly. Its effective annual rate is closet to:
A. 15.78%.
B. 18.85%.
C. 16.08%.
Solution: C
CFA一级 组合管理
Which of the following is the advantage of diversification compared to investing in a single security?
A. It decreases the volatility of returns.
B. It increases the probability of high returns.
C. It increases the expected rate of return.
Solution: A
CFA考试习题为大家整理好了, 大家快来检测学习成果吧, 希望能够帮助大家轻松备考,既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程。备考CFA考试的路上肯定是布满荆棘的,但是大家也不要气馁,预祝大家能够在2020年顺利取得CFA证书,步入这一行业。
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★ 备考资料免费领:考点资料+考前密训试题+真题总结
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